# -*- mode:text; fill-column:75; coding:no-conversion; -*-
# doc/README : DBPAQ Project
# Copyright (c)2006 Top Pane Networks, Inc., Yokohama
# Copyright (c)2006 Kuragano Tetsuhiro, Yokohama
# This document is a free document; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 (GFDL).
# This document is distributed under GFDL WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
# See GFDL for more details.
This directory has draft files of DBPAQ manuals.
Contents were NOT tested and we cannot assure their correctness nor quality.
Please read them as early drafts.
Welcome your contributions making them correct and fun to read.
Note: Most of text in draft documents were copied from ../doc_sapdb/*pdf files.
('../' shows the document is not here but in the parent directory)
database administration
- ../BUGS
- overview.txt
- user.txt
- dbmcli.txt
- ../t/01*.t : creating demo database
- ../doc_sapdb/evalsystab_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/messages_72_73eng.pdf
sql language
- limits.txt
- ../t/02*.t : sql sessions
- table.txt : table, data type etc.
- ../t/ndb/ndb_create.sql : create demo tables
- ../t/ndb/ndb_drop.sql : drop demo tables
- ../t/ndb/ndb_alter_after_insert.sql : create fkeys
--../t/ndb/ndb_alter_before_insert.sql : drop fkeys
- select.txt
- function.txt
- view.txt
- optimize.txt : index etc.
- update.txt
- ../t/03*.t : loading demo tables
- transaction.txt
- procedure.txt
- sql_mode_oracle.txt
- cli_odbc.txt : sql-cli/odbc interface
- ../src/testplus.c : simple cli/odbc application
- HOW_TO_GDB.txt
- ../doc_sapdb/xorder7.pdf : kernel order interface
- ../doc_sapdb/sap_db_network_protocol.pdf
- ../t/ndb/SR19_doc.pdf : description of the demo tables
- ../env/*.use : help text for some utilities
All source codes in ../src and ../env are the prime souce of informations.
You may want to read other pdf files in ../doc.sapdb directory.
Some part of them are obsolete or not supported in DBPAQ, but other part are still useful.
database administration
- ../doc_sapdb/opensupport_eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/usermansapdb_eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/dbmcli_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/userconcept.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/backrec_eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/backsapdb_eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/btree.pdf
sql language
- ../doc_sapdb/reference_72_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/orasql_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/comparison_eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/optim_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/syntaxlist_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/devmgm_letter.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/joint_letter.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/linuxday2003.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/usmanodbc_73eng.pdf
- ../doc_sapdb/usmanprecompiler_eng.pdf
Informations about SAPDB 7.2/7.3, ADABAS D 6/10 in Internet Web may help too. Google them.
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are required to display the logo on all web pages :