# -*- mode:text; fill-column:75; coding:no-conversion; -*-
# BUGS : DBPAQ Project
# Copyright (c)2006 Top Pane Networks, Inc., Yokohama
# Copyright (c)2006 Kuragano Tetsuhiro, Yokohama
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL2).
# This program is distributed under GPL2 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
# See GPL2 for more details.
Thank you for reading this file.
Your contributions are welcome.
see also BUGS.
** packaging area **
- use autotool chain for make (if it did not make things complex)
- redhat compatible package
- debian compatible package
** testing/documentation area **
- add more testsuites
- documentation for DBAs
- documentation for SQL developers
- documentation for C developers
** coding area **
- reduce code size
- speed up the main paths (you need a testsuite to measure)
- clean up source codes
- rename cryptic names in the codes to good ones
- rewrite client parts (vserver, dbmcli, odbc etc.)
All projects that use the project web services
are required to display the logo on all web pages :